January 24, 2011


A book is a set or collection of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers; a long written or printed literary work; a major division of a treatise or literary work; a libretto. Books are made up of skin, paper, tablets or wood or ivory, parchment, or other various materials and within a book are single sheets known as leafs. Each side of a leaf is called a page. 
Written, printed, or blank, books have always been an inspiration of mine. In their simplest form, books are books, whether opened or closed. When opened they deliver insight, meaning, and purpose. They tell us stories, full of mystery, laughter, and thought. When closed they are just. They can be used as props or even creatively showcased on a-shelf. 
Books come in all shapes and sizes. Most are full of color, while others are black and white. Some may include text only. Some may include pictures only. Books can be boring, but they can also be full of life. Books are both big and small.
I don’t necessarily love reading, but more so the way a book is presented. By presentation, I mean the way one can use a book other than to read. For instance, in photography you can stack books this way and that way to make an amazing photograph. You can also fold the pages to create interesting designs, such as flowers and what not. It’s all about the layout. 
The pages within books are just as fun to work with. I am always cutting up pages to turn something old into something new. Cover a wall full of pages, whether text or pictures. Create different shapes out of the pages to hang from the walls. Or simply create an interesting object that can be useful in some way. 
Like I said, books are books and I love any and all things that have to do with books.

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